
Enhancing Your Culinary Skills with Specialty Cuts of Meat from Manettas

Have you ever flipped through a restaurant menu and encountered an unfamiliar cut of meat, then hesitated when ordering? You’re not alone. Supermarkets often stick to the most popular cuts, leaving adventurous home cooks curious about venturing beyond the tried-and-true. This is where specialty butchers like Manettas can elevate your home cooking experience.

If you plan to buy meat from Manettas, they offer a wide selection of specialty cuts, allowing you to explore new flavours and textures and, ultimately, become a more confident cook. But before diving into the world of lesser-known cuts, let’s understand what makes them unique and how they can benefit your kitchen repertoire.

What are Specialty Cuts of Meat?

Specialty cuts of meat are simply those that fall outside the mainstream selections typically found at supermarkets. Butchers obtain these cuts from specific animal sections, often involving more targeted muscle groups or utilising entire sub-primals. These cuts can be more economical than their prime counterparts yet deliver exceptional flavour and tenderness when prepared correctly.

Why Choose Specialty Cuts of Meat?

There are several compelling reasons to incorporate specialty cuts into your meal planning:

  • Flavour Exploration: Specialty cuts often come from well-exercised muscles, resulting in richer, more intense flavours than their supermarket counterparts. For instance, skirt steak, a cut from the diaphragm, boasts a robust beefy character, perfect for fajitas or marinades. Sweetbreads, the thymus gland of veal or lamb, offer a unique, delicate taste that complements creamy sauces.
  • Budget-Friendly Options: While some specialty cuts can be premium due to their rarity, many are surprisingly affordable. Butchers often utilise the entire animal, and these lesser-known cuts present excellent value for money. Try flank steak for delicious and versatile stir-fries or beef neck for a slow-cooked ragu that will leave your family wanting more.
  • Versatility in Cooking: Specialty cuts often complement various cooking methods. Tri-tip, a triangular muscle from the bottom sirloin, can be grilled, roasted, or smoked, while beef cheeks are ideal for slow braising due to their collagen content, which transforms into rich gelatin during cooking. Experimenting with different techniques allows you to discover the unique potential of each cut.
  • Reducing Food Waste: By choosing specialty cuts, you support butchers utilising the whole animal. This reduces waste and promotes sustainable food practices.

Tips for Cooking with Specialty Cuts of Meat

Ready to incorporate specialty cuts into your cooking? Here are some helpful pointers:

  • Consult Your Butcher: Manettas’ knowledgeable butchers are a fantastic resource. Don’t hesitate to ask them about the characteristics of each cut and recommended cooking methods.
  • Invest in Quality Tools: Certain cuts may benefit from specific equipment. A meat thermometer ensures perfect doneness, while a meat mallet can help tenderise tougher cuts.
  • Embrace Low and Slow Cooking: Many specialty cuts thrive with slow cooking methods like braising or stewing. These techniques allow tougher muscles to break down, resulting in incredibly flavourful and melt-in-your-mouth results.
  • Get Creative with Marinades: Marinades are a wonderful way to add flavour and tenderise specialty cuts. Acids like vinegar or citrus juice can help break down muscle fibres. At the same time, herbs and spices can infuse the meat with delicious aromatics.


Exploring the world of specialty cuts of meat opens the door to culinary creativity. It allows you to become a more versatile cook. Manettas offers a treasure trove of these unique cuts and expert advice to guide you on your journey. So, next time you visit Manettas, step outside your comfort zone and ask about their specialty cuts. You might just discover your new favourite ingredient!

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