
Weer Nieuwerkerk Aan Den Ijssel: Ultimate Weather Guide

Weer Nieuwerkerk Aan Den Ijssel is a town in the Netherlands. The weather forecast for Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel shows varying conditions throughout the week, with temperatures ranging from 42 to 56 degrees Fahrenheit.

Situated in the Rotterdam area, this town experiences mostly cloudy skies on some days, with occasional light rain showers. Residents and visitors can expect moderate to light wind speeds, providing a typical Dutch weather experience. Planning activities around the weather conditions can help make the most of your time in Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel.

Current Weather

The current weather in Nieuwerkerk Aan Den Ijssel is mostly cloudy with a temperature of 42 degrees Fahrenheit and wind speed of 11 mph.


The current temperature in Weer Nieuwerkerk Aan Den Ijssel is 42°Fahrenheit.


There is a 0% chance of rain in Weer Nieuwerkerk Aan Den Ijssel.

Wind Speed

The wind speed in Weer Nieuwerkerk Aan Den Ijssel is 11 mph.

Weekly Forecast

Get your weekly forecast for Weather in Nieuwerkerk Aan Den Ijssel. Expect mostly cloudy skies on Saturday with temperatures ranging from 42 to 53°F. Sunday will be partly cloudy with temperatures between 44 and 56°F. Prepare for partly cloudy weather and temperatures ranging from 40 to 51°F next Friday.


Partly cloudy with a high of 53°F and a low of 42°F. Expect 71% humidity and winds at 17 mph.


Mostly cloudy with a high of 56°F and a low of 44°F. Anticipate 80% humidity and winds at 10 mph.


Expect mostly cloudy weather on Monday with a high of 49°F and a low of 41°F. Humidity will be around 75% with 7 mph winds.


Cloudy skies are predicted for Tuesday with a high of 49°F and a low of 41°F. Humidity around 83% and gentle 3 mph winds.


Wednesday will bring mostly cloudy conditions, a high of 48°F, and a low of 39°F. Humidity around 77% with 9 mph winds.


Partly cloudy on Thursday with a high of 50°F and a low of 38°F. Humidity at 76% and winds at 8 mph.


Clear skies with periodic clouds on Friday, expect a high of 51°F and a low of 40°F. Humidity around 71% and winds at 13 mph.

Detailed Daily Weather

Detailed Daily Weather in Weer Nieuwerkerk Aan Den Ijssel


  • Temperature: 53°F
  • Weather: Partly cloudy
  • Humidity: 71%
  • Wind: 17 mph


  • Temperature: 56°F
  • Weather: Mostly cloudy
  • Humidity: 80%
  • Wind: 10 mph


  • Temperature: 49°F
  • Weather: Mostly cloudy
  • Humidity: 75%
  • Wind: 7 mph


  • Temperature: 49°F
  • Weather: Cloudy
  • Humidity: 83%
  • Wind: 3 mph


  • Temperature: 48°F
  • Weather: Mostly cloudy
  • Humidity: 77%
  • Wind: 9 mph


  • Temperature: 50°F
  • Weather: Partly cloudy
  • Humidity: 76%
  • Wind: 8 mph


  • Temperature: 51°F
  • Weather: Clear with periodic clouds
  • Humidity: 71%
  • Wind: 13 mph
Weer Nieuwerkerk Aan Den Ijssel  : Ultimate Weather Guide



When it comes to the weather in Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel, the forecast shows mostly cloudy conditions with occasional periods of clear skies. The temperatures will range from 42 to 56 degrees Fahrenheit, with some light rain expected. It’s essential to stay updated on the weather conditions before planning any outdoor activities in the area.

Stay prepared and dress appropriately to make the most out of your time in Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel.

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