Negotiating a Severance Package in Connecticut: Do You Need Legal Representation?
If you have been fired from your job, you may feel blindsided, confused, and stressed. Such feelings can intensify if you are confronted with an expiring severance agreement. Thankfully, retaining one of the best Severance Negotiation Lawyers at Capclaw can make the negotiation process less painful and provide you with a considerable boost while you pursue your career’s next chapter. Keep reading to know why you need a skilled lawyer in your corner when you negotiate a severance package.
What to Know About Severance Packages
Severance packages are financial and benefit packages employers give their employees who are let go because of layoffs or downsizing. Typically, they include benefits such as compensation and healthcare extended benefits meant to support workers during their transition period.
A severance agreement will usually release your employer of all liabilities in exchange for the payment you get. This means that you will agree to give up your right to file a lawsuit against the company, even if it fired you for a discriminatory or unlawful reason.
While the law does not require severance pay, some employers provide it as it can protect them from lawsuits in the future and offer their former workers a cushion. If the company offers severance pay, this will be in writing and you must reach over this agreement before you sign it. After you sign the agreement, you agree to its terms and waive all legal claims against your employer that stems from your termination or employment. This makes it essential to understand the inclusions of the agreement before you sign the document.
What If Your Employer Doesn’t Provide Severance?
Negotiations are still possible if your employer does not provide severance. In this case, having an attorney can be quite helpful. Your lawyer can contact your company for you and negotiate a fair severance package.
But if you prefer to negotiate without an attorney, remember that this is a process, so the first offer your employer will make is usually not the highest figure they can give. Thus, do not hesitate to push more following the first offer.
In addition, you should explain the reason you deserve severance to your employer. The company may need help understanding that giving you severance can protect it from future lawsuits. Be flexible while having a realistic idea of what to settle for before you start negotiating. Also, keep in mind that payout is not the only thing you can negotiate. For instance, you can ask the company to provide you with health insurance for a specific period.
Reasons to Have an Attorney When Negotiating Severance
If you want to take legal action against your employer, having an attorney can increase your severance package and get the compensation you are entitled to. Without legal representation, you may leave considerable compensation and benefits on the table.
An attorney who specializes in negotiating severance packages has extensive knowledge of related laws and regulations. They know how intricate severance agreements are and can protect your rights. Also, your attorney can help you secure the full benefits you deserve. They can identify additional benefits like extended healthcare coverage, non-compete agreements, and outplacement services.
Severance agreements usually contain complex legal terminology you probably do not understand. Your lawyer will look into the agreement, explain the conditions and terms in a language you can understand, and make sure you understand the implications of signing your name in the document. As your attorney represents your interest, they can help protect your rights. They will make sure the severance agreement adheres to related employment laws, prevents possible contract breaches by your employer, and protects you from future legal disputes.