
Emerging Technologies in Millet Processing in India in 2024


In 2024, the scene of millet handling in India is going through a critical change, driven by arising advancements. Millets, frequently alluded to as “superfoods,” are acquiring consideration for their excellent dietary advantages and supportability. This blog entry means to investigate the headways in millet handling methods, featuring their significance in upgrading the dietary quality and availability of millets across India.

Traditional Millet Processing Techniques in India

Customary millet handling procedures in India have been polished for a really long time, safeguarding the social legacy and dietary benefit of these grains. These strategies incorporate dehulling, splashing, cooking, drying, cleaning, and processing. Dehulling includes eliminating the external husk of millets, while absorbing aides mellowing the grains and decreasing enemy of healthful variables. Cooking and drying improve the flavor and timeframe of realistic usability of millets, and cleaning and processing refine the grains for different culinary purposes. Safeguarding strategies, for example, sun-drying, are vital in broadening the capacity life of millets. While these customary procedures are powerful, they frequently come up short on productivity and versatility expected to fulfill current needs.

Nutritional Characteristics of Millets

Millets are nutritionally dense, offering a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Compared to other grains and cereals, millets are high in dietary fiber, iron, calcium, and essential amino acids. These nutritional characteristics make millets beneficial for health, potentially reducing the risk of malnutrition and metabolic disorders such as diabetes and obesity. Their low glycemic index and high fiber content support blood sugar regulation and digestive health. As India grapples with malnutrition and lifestyle diseases, incorporating millets into the diet can play a crucial role in improving public health.

Challenges in Millet Processing

Despite their benefits, millets face several challenges in processing and consumption. There is a lack of awareness about the nutritional advantages of millets, leading to their underutilization. The limited availability of modern processing equipment and technologies hampers the efficient processing of millets. Moreover, there is a pressing need for research on millet genomics and the development of high-yielding cultivars to boost production. Addressing these challenges is essential to ensure food security and promote sustainable production and consumption of millets.

Emerging Technologies in Millet Processing in India

Advancements in millet processing technologies are revolutionizing the way these grains are processed, enhancing their nutritional quality, safety, and efficiency. Here are some of the key emerging technologies:

1. Fermentation Techniques for Millets

Fermentation is an age-old processing technique that has been refined to improve the nutritional quality and digestibility of millets. Fermentation enhances the bioavailability of nutrients and reduces anti-nutritional factors. Fermented millet products, such as dosa and idli, are staples in Indian cuisine, offering enhanced flavor and health benefits.

2. Germination and Malting Technology for Millets

Germination and malting involve soaking millet grains until they sprout, which increases their nutrient content and improves digestibility. Germinated millets have higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Malting further transforms millets into versatile ingredients for products like malted drinks and flours, adding to their commercial value.

3. Enzyme Pretreatment and Ultrasound Assisted Extraction

Enzyme pretreatment uses specific enzymes to break down millet components, enhancing their nutritional profile. This technique improves starch hydrolysis, making millets easier to digest. Ultrasound-assisted extraction employs high-frequency sound waves to extract valuable components from millets, such as polyphenols and proteins, without compromising their nutritional quality.

4. Novel Processing Techniques for Millets

Novel techniques like gamma radiation processing, micronization, and nixtamalization are being explored to improve millet processing. Gamma radiation helps in microbial decontamination, ensuring food safety. Micronization breaks down millet particles to enhance their functionality in food products. Nixtamalization, a traditional cooking technique, improves the digestibility and nutritional quality of millets by treating them with an alkaline solution.

5. Utilization of Millet Components: Polyphenols and Dietary Fiber

Millets are rich in polyphenols and dietary fiber, which have numerous health benefits. Extracting polyphenols from millets can provide antioxidant properties, helping in the prevention of chronic diseases. The dietary fiber from millet bran improves digestive health and adds functional properties to food products, such as enhanced texture and stability.

Future Prospects

Emerging Technologies in Millet Processing in India in 2024

The future of millet processing in India looks promising with the continuous development of emerging technologies. These advancements are set to make millet processing more efficient, sustainable, and accessible, addressing food security and nutritional challenges. Continued research and development in this field will be crucial in harnessing the full potential of millets and promoting their widespread adoption.


As we look forward to 2024, the potential of emerging technologies in millet processing is vast. By embracing these advancements, we can enhance the nutritional quality and accessibility of millets, benefiting both consumers and local farmers. Encouraging the incorporation of millets into our diets not only supports health but also promotes sustainable agricultural practices. As consumers, exploring diverse non-dairy milk options like millet milk can lead to a richer, more balanced diet. The future of millet processing in India is bright, and with continued innovation, we can ensure that these “superfoods” play a significant role in our dietary choices.

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